How to sign up for free payroll software.
Signing up for free payroll software is easy and takes three simple steps. and no card is required.
If you process payroll for multiple Organisations (Legal Entities), please complete the procedure below as often as necessary. The same Super Administrator (Account Owner) email address can be used for multiple Organisations, but the Tenant name must be unique. If you enter a Tenant name previously used, a message will appear.​​​
All completed forms must undergo a government-mandated Customer Identification: Know Your Customer (KYC) process to verify the information entered. The Tenant account activation is generally completed within 2 hours but may take longer depending on the number of requests to be processed. If you need the activation sooner, please call us on 1300 372 932.

Select the button below, and the Signup form will be shown in your browser. You can easily return to this browser tab to assist with completing the form.
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Select the checkbox to confirm you agree to the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy.
Organisation (Tenant) Information
Enter a Tenant Name (nickname).
Enter a short name (nickname) to identify your organisation. You can enter letters, numbers, hyphens and underscores, but DO NOT use spaces.
For example, Cold Press Juices Pty Ltd could be entered as,
• CP
• ColdPress
• coldpress
• cold-press
• coldPressJuices
• cold_press_juices​
Enter the total Number of Employees you employ for the organisation you are now setting up.
Enter the total Number of Companies that you manage.
Select the down arrow to choose the appropriate answer, How did you hear about us?
Account Owner (Super Administrator) Settings
This person is responsible for the Subscription.
Enter your First Name.
Enter your Other Name.
Enter your Family Name.
Enter your Phone Number.
Enter the Director ID if one has been obtained.
Enter the Super Administrator Email address.
This email address will be validated. An email will be sent to this address when you submit the details.
Enter the Super Administrator Password (repeat) again.
Organisation (Legal Entity)
Enter the Organisation's name for reporting to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO).
Select the down arrow to choose either ABN or WPN.
Enter either your ABN or WPN.
If you chose ABN in Step 14, enter the GST Branch number.
You will have received the GST branch number previously from the ATO, but if you are unsure, just enter 1 (one).
Enter the name of the Organisation (Legal Entity).
Enter the Address (Line 1).
If one address line is insufficient, use Address (Line 2).
Enter the Suburb / Town.
Select the down arrow to choose the State.
Enter the Post Code.
Select the down arrow to choose the Country.
Enter the Organisation Website if available.
Enter the Email address.
Enter the Phone (Business Hours) number.
Enter the full Name of the Payer Declarer.
The Payer Declarer is the person who declares to the ATO that the information provided in the Single Touch Payroll file is true and correct.​
Select Submit once you have completed all the required information.
A successfully registered page will load in your browser and provide the following entered information:
Tenant Name:
Organisation Name:
Account Owner (Super Administrator) Name:
Email address:
You will receive an email automatically once the steps outlined above have been completed.
2. Verify your email address.
After completing the signup form, follow the steps below to continue.
Check your Inbox for an email with the subject, You have created a new Tenant, <Tenant Name>, in e-PayDay Go; please verify your email address.
Open the email and select Verify.
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The e-PayDay Go login page will load in your browser.
Our team will follow the KYC process to verify your entered information and email you once your account is activated.

3. Tenant activated email.
You will be automatically emailed once the above steps have been completed.
​Check your Inbox for an email with the subject, Your <Tenant> is now activated.
Open the email and select Go to Tenant.
The e-PayDay Go login page will load in your browser.
Enter your User Name and Password to log in.
Now, you are ready to get started.